The Pink Link supports Focus4Hope
Craig Hirst, Commercial Operations Director at the Pink Link, donated goods towards the Christmas hampers.
Focus4Hope is a non-profit providing support for the homeless, elderly, and isolated in West Yorkshire, dedicated to providing assistance to people who need it most.
“Huge thanks to The Pink Link Ltd for donating towards our Christmas food hampers
Our volunteers have been busy all day making up the Christmas hamper food parcels ready to be delivered tomorrow in the community.
It was great we had two of our Trustees volunteering with us today thank you Lidia and Mandy and to all our team who work so hard to help others.
We’re excited as tomorrow we have presents for all the children kindly donated by Kixx Huddersfield and presents for adults from Santa’s Senior’s Christmas dinners for the elderly donated from The Barge & Barrel Elland. It’s wonderful our community comes together in times of need 😊
Funded by Community Foundation for Calderdale & FareShare Yorkshire.
Thank you to everyone for their support”